Thursday, March 19, 2009

A week...days...

Wow - what a week! Non stop, sick child, issues at work! Just full of drama and a teeny bit of stress!

It always surprises me when I observe other people reacting to a crisis in the workplace. A typical planner, over zealous organiser and list maker I tend to be prepared when an issue or concern arises and maybe the pessimism in me makes me ready for when someone doesn't do what they are meant to do.

Laying blame is usually the first thing I notice. It seems to always be somone elses mistake or problem. I just don't get this, if you have made and error or messed up in anyway I am not sure why you wouldn't take responsibility for it. This week I have watched two managers lay the blame for a major error on each other. Being stuck in the middle of this has been almost comical.

The next thing I noticed was one of them trying to blame the "system" or process, and in effect trying to make me the scapegoat. Probably the most stressful parts of this week has involved me having to stand by my work output and integrity. One positive out of this has been the support of my Manager.

The audit set for Monday which has sparked this weeks events will ascertain where the system has fallen over and hopefully it will hold the right person accountable for their errors or lack of action.

I meditated, chanted, burned my green candle for positivity, had lemon and orange oil in the oil burner , recycled and placed my jade owl for wisdom on display to feel good this week. And wow - what might previously have turned into a disaster of a week at home for me - was a a positive challenge....if that is possible.

A lovely moment this week was reading on a seat over looking the beach on a cool blustery day...the sea air was cold, fresh, salty and the waves choppy and slate grey. Just gorgeous!

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